My Modules and App Launcher

After you configure Unified Login to access your Kaseya IT Complete modules, all users in your organization will be able to launch each of the modules they have an account for from:

  1. The My Modules widget on the KaseyaOne home page.
  2. The App Launcher on the top navigation menu in KaseyaOne.
  3. The App Launcher (waffle icon) on the top navigation menu of the Kaseya IT Complete module provided they logged in to the module through Log In with KaseyaOne.

After you configure Unified Login for a module, launching the module from the My Modules widget or App Launcher on the KaseyaOne home page is seamless. If Unified Login is not configured for a module, users are prompted to log in to the module using their local credentials and once logged in, the App Launcher will not be available on the module's top navigation menu.

How to...