Manage KaseyaOne groups
NAVIGATION Left navigation menu > Admin Settings > Groups
SECURITY Master role
A group is a container of objects, such as users or computers, that a system uses to control access or permissions. In the case of KaseyaOne, groups are used to control user access to modules connected to a KaseyaOne account. When users log in to KaseyaOne, they will only see modules that belong to the groups that they are a member of in their:
My Modules widget on the KaseyaOne home page.
App Launcher list. The Discover More section will continue to list all the available IT Complete modules that the user does not have an account for and/or access to.
It is important that administrators create groups to control which modules a user has access to. Refer to the following procedures which explain how to use the Admin Settings > Groups view to create a group, add or remove users to/from a group, assign modules to a group, and activate/deactivate a group.
On the module side, each module must enable role-based access control (Enable Access Groups) and assign one or more roles to each KaseyaOne group to control module access. Refer to Role-based access control for more information.
System groups
There are two types of KaseyaOne groups: system groups and custom groups. Custom groups are groups that you create yourself. System groups are built-in, special purpose groups that you cannot change—that is, you cannot rename, delete, or deactivate a system group.

This system group has all modules assigned to it, giving members access to all module.
Modules are added to this system group when they connect with KaseyaOne. When a module disconnects from KaseyaOne, it is removed from this group.
Master users cannot change the module assignment for this group but they can add or remove users to/from the group at any time, except the Root Master user.

This system group has no modules assigned to it and doesn't give members access to any modules.
You can only assign users to this group. Typical users to assign to this group include billing role users, who usually just log in to pay invoices and don't require access to modules.

There are three system groups which control Admin access to Spanning modules. Each group has a specific Spanning module assigned to it and the Spanning module name is reflected in the group name. The spanning system groups are:
Admin Access for Spanning Google Workspace
Admin Access for Spanning Microsoft 365
Admin Access for Spanning Salesforce
Master users control the Admin access to Spanning modules by adding or removing users to/from the corresponding group in KaseyaOne but they cannot modify the Spanning group module assignment.
How to...

To create a group in KaseyaOne:
Navigate to the Admin Settings > Groups view and click Add Group.
In the Add Group dialog that opens, enter a name for the new group in the Group Name field.
Add users to the group:
Click the Users tab.
Select the check box next to each user that you want to add to the group.
The number of users selected will appear next to the Users tab label.
Assign modules to the group:
Click Review to see a summary of the users in the group and the assigned modules.
Click Add Group and the new group will be added to the Groups list with a status of Active.

To modify an existing group:
Navigate to the Admin Settings > Groups view.
In the Groups list, select a group to open it.
In the Group Details dialog that opens, click Edit.
Change the name of the group in the Group Name field if required.
Click the Users tab and modify the user selection as required. For example, select or deselect the check box next to the users you want to add to or remove from the group.
Click the Assign Modules tab and modify the module selection as required. For example, select or deselect the check box next to the modules you want to assign to or remove from the group.
Click Review to see a summary of changes that will be implemented in the Confirm Changes dialog that opens.
Click Confirm to apply the changes to the group.

When you delete a group, all members of the group will lose access to the modules assigned to the group unless otherwise assigned access to the modules in a different group.
To delete a group:
Navigate to the Admin Settings > Groups view.
In the Groups list, select a group to open it.
In the Group Details dialog that opens, click Delete.
Click Delete again when prompted with the following message to delete the group.
Are you sure you want to delete [Group Name]? All users will lose access to modules unless otherwise assigned.
The group is removed from the Groups list. Members of this group will no longer have access to the modules assigned to this group when they log in to KaseyaOne — unless of course they are members of another group that provides access to the modules.