Cooper Intelligence Engine
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The Cooper Intelligence Engine is the technology behind Cooper's Insights. The engine will analyze usage of the various Kaseya IT Complete modules that you (and your team) are subscribed to. If there are matters that require your attention, they are presented to you in module-specific insights. They are available for KaseyaOne and many IT Complete modules.
NOTE Cooper insights to modules are shown according to the modules a user has access to. If a user isn't a member of an access group where the module has been assigned, that user won't see any insights or statistics related to the module.
Cooper insights

From the left navigation menu, click Cooper and go to the Usage intelligence tab.
Insights are listed on one side of the page and grouped according to following statuses: To Do, Completed, or Snoozed.
Using the pagination controls in the lower-right corner of the list, you can view all insights and select the number of results displayed at a time (up to 100 per page).
On the other side of the page, the Scoreboard shows your progress in completing the insights.

You can complete, un-complete, and snooze Cooper insights. In addition, you can filter the Insights list.

To complete an open insight, do the following:
- Open the insight by clicking on its title.
- Review the information (videos, help topics, and so on) linked to the insight and complete any action items.
- Click Mark Complete to complete the insight.
For example, if an action item consists of reviewing an external resource, click Mark Complete to complete the insight manually.
When an action is completed in a module:
- The insight is automatically updated to Completed the next time the data is analyzed.
- The action moves to the Completed tab on the Cooper page.

Insights that were previously completed manually can be set to incomplete again. Just open the completed insight and click Mark Incomplete.

If you are not ready to deal with an insight and would like to keep your To Do list uncluttered, you can snooze an insight for a number of days.
To snooze an insight:
Click Snooze (the clock icon) next to the insight and then select the number of days to snooze for. The insight will be moved to the Snoozed list. After the selected snooze duration has passed, the insight will reappear on the To Do list.
To manually move an insight back to the To Do list, click End Snooze.

To filter the insights list (To Do, Completed, or Snoozed tab):
- Click Filter
and select one or more modules or categories.
- Click Apply.
- Click Reset to remove the filter.

Here are some example Cooper insights:

This insight is associated with KaseyaOne. The intelligence engine is nudging you to link the portal to all modules your company is subscribed to, so your users can navigate seamlessly to other modules. This insight provides step-by-step instructions on how to do this, and a link to the area in KaseyaOne where modules need to be set up. Other insights might display a video link.

This insight is associated with the Autotask module. Tickets without an active primary resource may easily become orphaned in your system, causing you to miss SLA (Service Level Agreement) milestones and risking low customer satisfaction.
This insight features a how-to video, links to relevant online help topics, a Take Action button that will launch a list of all tickets without a primary resource, so you can address the issue immediately.
Learning insights

From the left navigation menu, click Cooper and go to the Learning tab.
Review the progress your employees are making with the courses they are taking on the New/Edit User page. Refer to Add an individual user (Step 2) for more information.
NOTE The list of available Kaseya University courses is based on the Kaseya modules you have purchased.