Completing the Kaseya 365 Setup
After you've worked through the steps in your subscription's Kaseya 365 Setup Guide, use the applicable procedure to set up the integrations for your subscription:

To complete the setup of your Kaseya 365 Endpoint subscription, you will use the following procedures to:
- integrate your Datto EDR module with your remote monitoring and management (RMM) module.
- integrate Endpoint Backup with your RMM module.
- integrate your Datto EDR module with RocketCyber (Kaseya 365 Endpoint Pro only).
● Be sure to run the procedures below in order. This order of operations is needed to ensure that the modules can work together seamlessly to manage, secure, backup, and automate your endpoint environments.
● IT Complete modules such as RocketCyber, Business Management Solution (BMS), Autotask, and Datto Remote Monitoring and Management have overlapping ticketing and alerting options, which can cause system administrators to receive duplicate notifications if not properly configured. If you are already using some of these modules, refer to this Datto EDR article for best practices before adding the other integrations described below: Best practices for integration with IT Complete.
● These procedures do not cover integrations for VSA 9. If you are using VSA 9 for remote monitoring and management, see the VSA 9 online help for information on using VSA 9 with your Kaseya 365 modules.

An API token is needed to integrate Datto EDR with Datto RMM. A separate API token is needed to integrate Datto EDR with RocketCyber. Use these steps to generate an API token that you will use to integrate Datto EDR with Datto RMM or RocketCyber. If you are using both Datto RMM and RocketCyber, repeat these steps to generate a second API token that you will use to integrate the other product module.
- Log in to Datto EDR as an administrator.
- Generate the API token as described in the Creating tokens > Admin user procedure in this Datto EDR topic: Generating Datto EDR API tokens.
- Copy and save this token in a safe place. You will use it in Step 1 to integrate Datto RMM or in Step 3 to integrate RocketCyber.
- If you are using both Datto RMM and RocketCyber, repeat this procedure to generate the API token that you will use to integrate your second product module.

- Log in to your VSA or Datto RMM as an administrator.
- Do one of the following:
- Datto RMM: Run the Set up Datto EDR Integration in Datto RMM procedure in this Datto RMM topic: Datto EDR and Datto AV Integration.
- VSA 10: To add the integration, simply deploy the Datto EDR and AV agents to your Windows machines. For details, see Deploying Datto EDR and Datto AV.

- In Datto Partner Portal, use the Creating your RMM template in Datto Partner Portal procedure to generate an RMM token that you will use for the Endpoint Backup integration.
- Log in to your VSA or Datto RMM as an administrator.
- Do one of the following:
- Datto RMM: Add the Endpoint Backup integration by Deploying the Datto Endpoint Backup Agent via Datto RMM.
- VSA 10: Add the Endpoint Backup integration as described in this topic: Datto Endpoint Backup Integration.

NOTE RocketCyber is not included with Endpoint Express subscriptions.
Add the Datto EDR integration as described in this RocketCyber topic: Configure Endpoint Security - Datto EDR / AV.
If you generated the Datto EDR token for RocketCyber in Step 1 above, just run the procedure under Configuring the integration in RocketCyber. If not, you'll need to generate the API token.

The modules in your subscription are now configured— Kaseya 365 is up and running!
To learn more about Kaseya 365, see the Kaseya 365 overview and Kaseya 365 FAQs. Then check out Kaseya 365 Endpoint for an overview of Kaseya 365 Endpoint components with links to online help guides for each module. Explore these guides for a deep dive into the additional features you can leverage for even more benefits.

To complete the setup of your Kaseya 365 User subscription, you will use the following procedures to:
- integrate your Graphus module with your Datto SaaS Protection module.
- integrate your Graphus module with your BullPhish ID module.
● Graphus is the only phishing defense solution included with a Kaseya 365 user subscription.
● If you are an existing Kaseya customer that is using IT Glue, it is best to integrate Graphus and BullPhish ID with IT Glue before adding the other integrations described below in this topic. Once Graphus is integrated with IT Glue, you can use IT Glue to quickly add users and organizations to Graphus. Once BullPhish ID is integrated with IT Glue, you can use IT Glue to quickly add targets (users) and organizations to BullPhish ID. To add these integrations to IT Glue and sync organizations and users, see Graphus: Simplified Organization Management with IT Glue and BullPhish: Integrating with IT Glue.
● A single user login account is used to access both Dark Web ID and BullPhish ID. Updating the password in either module will update it for both.

NOTE This procedure is used for Datto SaaS Protection only. This integration does not apply if you are using Spanning Backup with your Kaseya 365 User subscription.
Integrating SaaS Protection with Graphus enables you to work with your Graphus and SaaS Protection organizations on one page. On the Graphus page within SaaS Protection, you can then select an organization and navigate to the organization’s Status page, where you can perform backup and recovery tasks.
To add the Graphus integration, see this Datto SaaS Protection topic: Integrating SaaS Protection with Graphus.

Integrate Graphus with BullPhish ID to eliminate the need for domain whitelisting and ensure 100% campaign deliverability to your end users. The Graphus API gives BullPhish ID the ability to place phishing and training emails directly into end-user inboxes as opposed to sending them through the internet, saving you hours of whitelisting time.
To add the Graphus integration, see this BullPhish ID topic: BullPhish ID integration with Graphus.

The modules in your subscription are now configured— Kaseya 365 is up and running!
To learn more about Kaseya 365, see the Kaseya 365 overview and Kaseya 365 FAQs. Then check out Kaseya 365 User for more about your subscription and next steps for getting the most out of Kaseya 365, including an overview of components with links to online help guides for each module. Explore these guides for a deep dive into the additional features you can leverage for even more benefits.