Kaseya Professional Services

NAVIGATION  Left navigation menu > Professional Services

SECURITY  Master, Billing, and User role

The Kaseya Professional Services page is your centralized hub for tracking all Professional Services projects related to onboarding within the IT Complete ecosystem, including Kaseya 365 and the Kaseya IT Complete module subscriptions, as well as other consulting projects. This page provides convenient access to both upcoming and past training session details within projects, along with recordings of these sessions.

Project list

The project list forms the cornerstone of this page, showcasing all your Professional Services projects and associated sessions. You can effortlessly navigate through the projects by expanding or collapsing each one to reveal or hide the related sessions. Use the search bar to quickly find specific projects by typing their names and employ the filtering options to refine sessions according to your needs. As follows is a breakdown of the columns in the project list table:

  • Project Name: Name of the project or session. (Not sortable)

  • Start: Date the training starts. (Sortable)

  • Due: Date the training ends. (Sortable)

  • Project Manager: Manager overseeing the training. (Sortable)

  • Consultant: Name of the training consultant. (Sortable)

  • Status: Training status (Not Started, In Progress, Completed, or On Hold). (Sortable)

  • Progress: Number of sessions completed out of the total number of sessions. (Not sortable)

Filter projects

You can filter the project list:

  • By Session Status: Not Started, In Progress, Completed or On Hold.

  • By Date

    • Recent Sessions (Last 7 days): Shows the sessions due within the last seven days.

    • Upcoming Sessions (Next 7 days): Shows the sessions starting within the next seven days.

Project details

Each project includes specific details and contact information for the project manager and consultant. Click the project name to open the details. If a project is On Hold, review the reason why in the Status section.

Session details

Each session includes specific details and contact information for the consultant and project manager. Click the session name to open the details. Most sessions with a Completed status will have a recording link attached, allowing you to access the recorded session whenever you need it. If the recording link is missing, reach out to the consultant responsible for the session.


Three widgets are available on this page:

  • Projects: Summarizes your projects by status: Not Started, In Progress, Completed or On Hold.

  • Recent Sessions: Shows the name and date of the last three sessions you attended. Use the recording link icon next to the session name to quickly copy the session URL without needing to view the session details.

    NOTE  Some sessions may not have a recording link and, as a result, the recording link icon is not displayed.

  • Upcoming Sessions: Shows the name and date of your next three scheduled training sessions.

Enablement Services Catalog

Accessible only to Master and Billing role users, the Enablement Services Catalog button takes you to the Kaseya Store. Here, you can browse and order additional professional services as needed. Refer to Getting started with Kaseya Store for more information.

Professional Services FAQs