Kaseya Store - My Account page
NAVIGATION Kaseya Store > My Account
SECURITY Master or Billing role
In Kaseya Store, navigate to My Account to manage and monitor your purchases, billing, and Kaseya Store settings. While the Kaseya Store Home page provides a quick overview of all orders, billing, and active subscriptions, the My Account page allows users with a Master or Billing role to manage and monitor all purchases and billing information.
The My Account page summarizes your PROFILE, SHIPPING, and PAYMENT information. On this page, you can edit your profile information and add or edit the payment details for your account.
How to...

To edit your profile information:
Navigate to the My Account page in Kaseya Store.
Click Edit under PROFILE and on the Profile Information page that opens, change the Company Name and Phone Number as required.
(Optional) To change your email address, click Change Address and on the Change Email dialog that opens:
New Email. Type in your new email address in this field.
Confirm New Email. Confirm your new email address in this field.
Password. Type in the password.
Click Send Verification Email.
Until you new email address is verified, you will still be able to log in with your current email address and password.
Click Update.

If you have not added a payment method to your account, then complete the following steps to add a credit card to your account:
Navigate to the My Account page in Kaseya Store.
Click Add a Credit Card under PAYMENT and on the Add Credit Card dialog that opens, enter the following:
Credit Card Number
Specify Credit Card Type
Name on Card
Expiration Month
Expiration Year
(Optional) Select the Make this my default credit card check box. By default, at least one card must have this option selected.
Click Add Card.

After having added a payment method (credit card) to your account, you can edit the payment details as follows:
Navigate to the My Account page in Kaseya Store.
Click Edit under PAYMENT and on the Edit Credit Card dialog that opens, modify the following as required:
Credit Card Number
Name on Card
Expiration Month
Expiration Year
(Optional) Select the Make this my default credit card check box. By default, at least one card must have this option selected.
Click Update Card.