NAVIGATION Kaseya Store > My Account > Billing
SECURITY Master or Billing role
This article explains how carry out the following billing tasks in Kaseya Store:

Clicking View and Pay Invoices on the left navigation menu in KaseyaOne brings you to the My Account > Billing > Invoices view in Kaseya Store where you can review due dates, amounts due, and the quotes from which invoices were generated. From this page, you can also view, download, print, and settle your invoices.
Pay a bill
To pay a bill or make a payment in Kaseya Store:
Navigate to My Account > Billing > Invoices in Kaseya Store.
Select the check box next to each invoice where you want to make a payment.
Click Make a Payment to initiate the transaction.
Review the invoice details on the Select Invoices to Pay page that opens and edit as required. For example:
Click Continue to proceed to payment.
Select a payment method (click either Credit/Debit Card or ACH) and then click Submit when done.
Download and view invoices (Excel or PDF format)
You can view and download past invoices up to 3 years from the current date. To view and download an invoice in Excel or PDF format in Kaseya Store:
Navigate to My Account > Billing > Invoices in Kaseya Store.
On the Invoices page that opens, click Open to view all open invoices or click Paid in Full to view all settled invoices.
If required, filter and search the invoice list by date range, Due Date, Invoice Date, Currency, and so on.
Click Excel to download a copy of a consolidated invoice in excel format containing details such as the client name, serial number, and other data points. An invoice that starts with the letters CI is a consolidated invoice - for example, CI1037332.
Click on any Invoice No. starting with CIxxxxxx to open the consolidated invoice in pdf format.
Click on any Invoice No. starting with INVxxxxxx to open the invoice, then on the Invoice # page that opens:
Click Download as PDF to download a copy of the invoice in PDF format.
Click Make a Payment to make a payment. Refer to Pay a bill.
Note that this option is available only where the invoice status is Open and there is an outstanding balance. If the invoice status is Paid in Full, then this option will not be available.

To monitor your organization's aging account balance (which is an overview of outstanding payments from customers and how long they are past due):
Navigate to My Account > Billing > Account Balance in Kaseya Store.
On the Account Balance page that opens, review the aging account balance graph.
Click Make a Payment to initiate a payment transaction. Refer to Pay a bill.
Click Print Statement to print a custom statement showing the outstanding payment details. Refer to Print a custom statement.

Navigate to My Account > Billing > Transaction History in Kaseya Store.
On the Transaction History page that opens, a list of all your past transactions appears.
Filter the list by entering a from/to date range and then selecting a filter option.
Select one of the following filter options:
Show all record types (default option)
Show Credit Memo
Show Payment
Show Deposit
Show Deposit Application
Show Invoices
Show Cash Receipts -
Select one of the following filter options:
by Date (default option)
by Number
by Amount

Navigate to My Account > Billing > Print a Statement.
On the Print Statement page that opens:
Specify a date range for the statement.
Select the Show only Open Transactions check box if required.
Click Print Statement to download the statement in PDF format.
Click Account Summary to download an account Summary Report in excel format.
Click Invoice Details to download an Invoice Detail report in excel format.

Navigate to My Account > Billing > Invoices in Kaseya Store.
On the Invoices page that opens, click Submit Billing Ticket.
Complete the following fields on the Submit Billing Ticket form that opens.
Field Description Your Email Address Type in your email address. Phone Number Type in your phone number. Billing Issue Select a suitable option from the Billing Issue drop-down menu. Options include the following: Billing Errors, Inquiry, Payment/Cash or Credit application, and so on. Billing Product Select a suitable module option from the Billing Product drop-down menu. Options include the following: Autotask PSA, Datto BCDR, General Enquiry, IT Complete, and so on. Subject Type in a suitable Subject for your billing support ticket. For example: Invoice error, General inquiry, and so on. Description Type in a suitable Description for your billing support ticket. Upload Attachment/File Click Upload Attachment/File to upload any supporting attachments or your billing support ticket. -
Click Submit Request.
The user receives the following message: Billing Ticket Submitted.

Scroll to the bottom of any page in Kaseya Store and click Contact Us in the footer.
On the Contact Us page that opens:
Click START CHAT and follow the on-screen prompts to raise a new billing ticket or check the status of any pending tickets.
To send us a direct message, select a reason from the drop-down menu, type in your message, and click Send message.
To get instant help, click Product Knowledge Base or Billing & Payment Resources.

To contact billing support at any time, send an email to with a relevant subject line and include the billing issue/query in the body of the email.