Getting started with Kaseya 365

SECURITY  Master or Billing role

Welcome to Kaseya 365! If you are coming to us from your welcome email, or have just purchased Kaseya 365, this article will help you get up and running with each Kaseya 365 component.

NOTE  If you would simply like to learn more about Kaseya 365, refer to Kaseya 365 Overview and Kaseya 365 FAQs.

IMPORTANT  If you need to add licenses to your subscription, this is done on the Kaseya 365 Subscription tab on the KaseyaOne Subscriptions page. Do not add licenses through your product portals.

Understanding your welcome email

When you purchase Kaseya 365, you will receive a Kaseya 365 welcome email. This email walks you though the steps to take to get started, provides an overview video, and links to this article.

Subject: Welcome to Kaseya 365

NOTE  If you don't receive the welcome email, check your spam folder. If you still don't see it, contact your Account Manager for assistance.

Accessing your new modules

Your Kaseya 365 subscription gives you access to a group of modules that power your Kaseya 365 components. When you access your new modules for the first time as the first administrator user, you will have access to self-paced onboarding that will help get you up-and-running quickly.

IMPORTANT  For modules you are already using, continue to access and use them as you always have. If you don’t have a user account in your company’s Datto Partner Portal or any module instance, your Admin will need to create one for you before you can log in.

To access RocketCyber (Kaseya 365 Pro only)

  • Click Complete your Trial Activation in your RocketCyber welcome email and follow the instructions for creating your account.

To access Datto EDR/AV, Endpoint Backup, and Datto RMM

IMPORTANT  Ransomware Detection is configured through Datto EDR. Do not enable Ransomware Detection in Datto RMM. For information on configuring Ransomware Detection in Datto EDR, refer to How can I set up ransomware detection?

  • Click the Log in to Access link next to the module name in your Kaseya 365 welcome email ; OR

  • Go directly to Datto Partner Portal (

See the next section Accessing modules the first time through Datto Partner Portal.

Accessing modules the first time through Datto Partner Portal

The first time you log in to your Kaseya 365 modules, with the exception of RocketCyber and VSA 10, you will log in through Datto Partner Portal.

For your first log in:

  1. Go to or click the log in link in your welcome email. The login page opens:

  2. Log in using your Partner Portal credentials.

  3. If you have one or no modules currently, you will see the Admin page when you log in:

    Admin page

    If you have more than one module currently, you will see the account selection page:

    Account selection page

    Follow the instructions that follow for the page that you see when you log in.

Going forward: Accessing modules through KaseyaOne

IMPORTANT  After your initial login described in the preceding sections, we recommend integrating your modules with KaseyaOne to use KaseyaOne Unified Login.

Through KaseyaOne Unified Login, all your user management, module access, Kaseya University enrollment, usage analysis, and reporting can be done across your stack through KaseyaOne.

To set up Unified Login for a module, a module user with the highest permission level (usually Master or Administrator) must enable Log In with KaseyaOne for the module. Refer to Integrate modules with KaseyaOne.

For an overview of KaseyaOne features, refer to Navigate KaseyaOne.

Onboarding to your new modules

Self-guided onboarding is available for your Kaseya 365 components via this documentation, in-product tasks/videos, and through our Kaseya Ignite Live Learning Series.

Recommended onboarding integration order

Component overviews and automations

Refer to Kaseya 365 components.

Welcome shoutout

A welcome shoutout will appear the first time you log in.

NOTE  If another message appears, you will need to refresh the page to see your welcome shoutout.

Anytime onboarding access

Within any module, you can access step-by-step onboarding any time from the Tasks tab of your onboarding menu. The Tasks tab is available through the help icon OR the graduation cap icon, depending on the module:

After you finish (100% complete) all your onboarding tours, the Tasks tab disappears after 90 days. To replay the self-guided onboarding, go to the Show me tab of your onboarding menu:

Onboarding resources

The following Kaseya 365 how-to videos are available in Kaseya University and within modules. To access the videos for a respective module while working in the user interface, go to the Show me tab of the onboarding menu.

Courses in Kaseya University

Your Kaseya 365 subscription comes with access to courses in Kaseya University (KU) to help you learn more about Kaseya 365 and your new modules. This is available to every user (with a Kaseya 365 subscription) accessing KU from KaseyaOne.

Kaseya 365 courses available in KU:

  • Kaseya 365. Kaseya Certified Technician in Kaseya 365 (available to all customers by default)

  • RMM. Kaseya Certified Technician in Datto RMM

  • VSA 10 Kaseya Certified Technician in VSA 10

  • More coming soon!