Cooper FAQs
This article lists some Cooper questions that are frequently asked by our customers and answered by our KaseyOne team. Refer to KaseyaOne video tutorials to get started with KaseyaOne!
What is Cooper in KaseyaOne?
ANSWER As you may know, Cooper is Fred's beloved dog. But in KaseyaOne, the Cooper AI Engine is the technology behind Cooper's Insights. These insights will help you get the most out of the Kaseya modules you own.
How can I move a Cooper Insight from the Snoozed tab back to the To Do tab?
ANSWER When you click Skip For Now on an insight, it moves over to the Snoozed tab so it is not pending in your To Do tab. Unfortunately, there is no way to move it back at this time but you can still act upon the insight and when you complete it, Cooper will move it to the Completed tab.
How are Cooper Insights moved from the To Do tab to the Completed tab automatically?
ANSWER The Cooper Intelligence Engine provides insights based on telemetry gathered from your (and your team's) module usage (or lack thereof). As you begin to take action on the Insights Cooper is sharing, Cooper is smart enough to know you have completed them and will automatically move them to the Completed column for you.
How do I turn off Cooper?
ANSWER There is no option to turn off Cooper Intelligence Engine. The recommendations that Cooper delivers to you are there to help you get the most value out of your Kaseya modules. You can snooze any cooper insight that you do not want to action at the moment - but note that they will return to your To Do list once the snooze time lapses.