Kaseya Ignite Live Learning Series

The Kaseya Ignite Live Learning Series is an essential resource for IT professionals looking to maximize their use of Kaseya 365. Our comprehensive sessions are designed to deliver expert insights, actionable strategies, and personalized support to enhance your IT management capabilities.

This series offers multiple opportunities to tune in to a Getting Started session that covers end-to-end deployment and integration. Additional sessions dedicated to each Kaseya 365 module will address key actions and provide answers to questions submitted during registration.

Why attend Kaseya Ignite?

  • Getting Started session covering end-to-end deployment: From your welcome email to full deployment and integration, learn how to fully set up your Kaseya 365 environment.
  • Expert-led sessions: Our webinars are led by Kaseya's seasoned experts who bring deep product knowledge and practical experience. The calls may include general managers, product managers, senior consultants, technical account managers, and more.
  • Coverage on submitted questions: Have specific questions? Submit them ahead of time, and our presenters will address them during the webinar. This ensures that the content is tailored to your needs and you're getting the most relevant information.
  • Interactive live Q&A: Engage with our experts in real time during the on-the-fly Q&A segment. This interactive component allows you to clarify doubts, explore additional topics, and gain insights on the spot.
  • Follow-up support: We understand that not all questions can be answered during the live session. Rest assured that any unanswered queries will be addressed within 24 hours. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to book a one-on-one session with a technical account manager for in-depth personalized assistance.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your IT management skills and leverage Kaseya's powerful suite of products to its fullest potential.


Register for any of our upcoming sessions using the following registration links for your region: